Our Team

  • Mia Higgins- Executive Director

    Mia is originally from Malaysia and spent her earlier years in Hawaii. She lives in Tulsa since 1999. Mia caught the bike bug in 2015, and loves riding road, gravel, and mountain bikes in Green Country. Her purpose in life is inspiring others to achieve their best selves, and this directly guides her WeROK goals. She wants to break down barriers and empower women to live a better, healthier life through cycling. Mia always believes that riding a bike can put anyone in a great mood. FUN is in Mia's DNA on or off the bike. Safety is always her priority. When riding with her, you can expect laughter and frequent stopping to take group pictures. Her trail name is AA. Come ride with her to find out why! ^_^

    • Saint Francis Tulsa Tough Divas Committee Member since 2018

    • Saint Francis Tulsa Tough Divas Ride Leader since 2018

    • Women of Oz NWA Ride Leader since 2021

    • Tulsa Bike Club volunteer since 2022

    •“Your attitude determines your altitude”

  • Jeana Gee- Director of Operations: Secretary

    Jeana is an Oklahoma native, and a mom of three boys. She has always enjoyed being outdoors and living an active lifestyle. She pivoted to road cycling with Divas women’s cycling group in January 2020, after accepting that her body could no longer take the abuse of running. It was in this community that she met some of her best friends who then led her into mountain biking in 2021. Divas restored her self-confidence and enhanced her life in many ways. Now she enjoys paying it forward by being here for other women.

    • “Beginning cycling can be intimidating, but it’s so worth pushing yourself to take that first step and just show up! Let’s play in the dirt!”

    • Saint Francis Tulsa Tough Divas ride leader and volunteer

    • Bike Club volunteer

    • Tulsa Area United Way volunteer

    • Tulsa Tough Double Tough Challenge finisher

  • Susan Young- Director of Finance: Treasurer

    Susan is an amateur athlete, wife, and retired surgeon. She has been cycling her entire life, and as an adult gain improved physical and mental health by training and bike racing.

    • Certified in Advance Trauma Life Support; Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; First Aid; CPR.

    • 2022 and 2018 Oklahoma state champion in Cat 1 mountain bike Tour-de-Dirt cross country racing series

    • 2022 Oklahoma state champion cyclocross single speed series

    • 2022 Oklahoma state champion cyclocross Cat 4 series

    • Previously certified as both a Level 1 IMBA mountain bike skills instructor, and USA Cycling Level 3 instructor

    • Board Member for Soundpony Athletic Club; and treasurer for Community Light Foundation’s Ride to Remember Black Wall Street Ride

  • Rebecca Reese "Becky"- Director of Marketing and Advertising

    Rebecca an Oklahoma native, began cycling when her husband bought her first road bike when they were dating. He along with other amazing people in the cycling community encouraged her to begin mountain biking. She loves the challenge and nature therapy mountain biking provides. She and her family enjoy vacationing at downhill bike parks. One of her greatest joys in life, is riding with her family. Rebecca is an extrovert who adopts introverts and encourages them to do great things. This desire to bring out the best in others, motivates her to be involved in WeROK among other community groups around NE Oklahoma.

    •Saint Francis Tulsa Tough Diva Committee member

    •Saint Francis Tulsa Tough Diva Ride Leader

    •Volunteers with several local charity cycling rides/races

    • “Bike therapy is the best way to clear your mind and find your inner child”

  • Cyndi Ballard-Director-at-Large

    Cyndi is a longtime Tulsa resident and self-confessed adrenaline junkie. Her love affair with outdoor adventures started at age 30, with hiking and backpacking, then later expanded into trail running and mountain biking. In 2008 she bought her first mountain bike on a whim, started riding with some male coworkers, and the rest is history. Though she dabbled briefly in racing, she gets on the bike for the pure joy of flying through the trees. She is often joined by her husband and beloved trail dogs. She spent seven years on the LUNA Chix mountain bike team, where she learned from some truly inspirational pro women and Olympians from around the world. She is committed to paying that knowledge forward and bringing women together in this empowering sport. When not in the woods, you’ll likely find her snuggling her dogs and cat, reading, gardening, practicing yoga, paddle boarding or traveling.

    • Outward Bound Wilderness graduate, 2006

    • BetterRide Mountain Bike Camp graduate, 2012

    • Becoming an Outdoors Woman volunteer mountain bike instructor, 2014

    • Team LUNA Chix Tulsa Mountain Biking Team, 2010-2017

  • Megan Ditty-Director-at-Large

    Megan is a lifelong Oklahoman and grew up splitting her time between her family’s farm and hanging out at the dirt track where her father raced. In short time, she too caught the racing bug, riding anything she could that had a motor. (Motorcycles ultimately led her to her future husband.)

    In 2011, Megan bought her first road bike and competed in a few triathlons and criteriums. One her male teammates talked her into buying a mountain bike for a race the next weekend in Arkansas, and since Megan wanted more out of cycling, she did just that —and never looked back. Tour de Dirt series XC races, crits, cyclocross, and 6 to 24 hour endurance mountain bike races all fueled her fire over several years.

    In 2022, after a long hiatus from bikes, Megan ran into her longtime friends, the Reese’s, who told her about WeROK’s first ride at her neighbor’s ranch the next weekend. With a “just this one ride; it’ll be fun!” comment to her husband, she pulled out her old bikes. But, boom! She fell back in love with cycling challenges, and joined the WeROK Board of Directors.

    • Megan broke the course record at her first-ever 24-hour mountain bike endurance race, and won the women’s overall title two years in a row

    • Megan’s cheers and “trail hype” can be heard in the woods as she helps all levels of riders with sessioning — and then conquering — tough technical sections of trail

    • Outdoors, bikes, and doing hard things make for a heavenly mix for Megan

  • Marissa Douma- Advisor

    Marissa is someone who has been an athlete all of her life. She ran Cross Country and Track in college before trying out triathlons. In times of happiness and of stress she found going for a run would make her world a little brighter each day. She found this happiness to be just as true when spending time on her bikes and she could explore new places along with her husband, son, friends, and sister. Marissa loves mountain biking, road biking, and riding a gravel bike around the mountain bike trails. She is a big believer of equality and inclusion of women in sports and believe taking the first step into the world of sport can change someone’s life for the better.

    •The Rift Iceland 100k Gravel Race

    •Tulsa Tough 100 Mile Gran Fondo

    •New Hope Oklahoma Board Member

    •Junior League of Tulsa Volunteer

  • Mishelle Hancock- Advisor

    Mishelle is a native Oklahoma entrepreneur with a drive for start-up businesses. She has successfully built seven businesses over her life. She is currently operating in the pet care industry in northeast Oklahoma. She is an avid outdoorswoman who enjoys fishing, hiking, ultra-running and mountain biking. She encourages women to “find their wild side” and to embrace the power in the great outdoors.

    • Owner-Operator of Tails a Wagn’ Multi Service Pet Care

    • Extensive experience along with national and international training and certifications as a professional animal care provider and dog groomer: PACCC-CPACP and IPG-CPG

    • Knows many of the Claremore trail dogs by their names!