What to sharpen your skills? Learn to climb more efficiently? Coast through a berm with the greatest of ease? Roll over rock like it’s nothing? We know some amazing coaches who are local and would love to show you the ropes!

Carolyn Fairless

Carolyn is an adventure-seeking veterinarian. Her cycling trajectory started as a tomboy kid, leading to her current mountain biking obsession. She has enjoyed many years of road cycling, cross-country mountain bike racing, triathlon racing, cross-Oklahoma bike tours, and bike trips overseas — plus a one-time attempt at unicycling.

• Level 1 Certified PMBIA mountain bike skills instructor for Switchback Training Systems in Tulsa, OK

  • Private, semi-private lessons

  • Women, men and kids welcomed.

  • 918-625-5200

• 2x Ironman finisher; USATriathlon Nationals finisher

• 2018 Arkansas state champion in Cat 3 in its cross-country racing series (currently inactive Cat 2 XC)

Anita Townsend

Anita is a self-proclaimed county girl, hailing from Inola. She added cycling to her running training in 2019, and quickly realized how much more fun bikes are! She is both a roadie and a mountain biker, but these days you’ll usually find her shredding at Turkey Mountain or Claremore trails instead of on her road bike. She thrives on conquering new bike challenges, and recently discovered the thrill of downhill mountain bike parks. She is avidly checking out new bike trails and taking mountain bike skills clinics around the country.

• Level 1 Certified PMBIA mountain bike skills instructor for Switchback Training Systems in Tulsa, OK